Friday, August 12, 2005

funny today....i did my last geo question at 11am.... looking at the question.... i remember there are 5 points to the answer......i only remember two of them.... so i wait....i always tell myself that if i dont think....i will i clear my mind....looking at the teachers....the clock everywhere..... after 10 minutes the 3rd point flashed in my it down and continue looking around....after 10 minutes i got the 4th point lol!!!.... the the examination hall luaghing to myself hahaha....siao siao..... its around 11.30am...when i want to give up and keep my pen.... i look at the ndp bander on the stage..... i say to myself that two singaporean and foreigner....... !!! CO-operation of STB, local firms and foreign company!!! and i got my last

moral of the story..... if you cannot remember things, try not to think about!!!

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