Friday, January 26, 2007

Nice Score

we had a trail competition shoot today...
three details ..
i was in the third detail...
so i waited a long time to shoot...

whenever i shot one bullet ...
i will shake my head and say
"come on ... im better than this man"
but throughout the 50mins...
the result vary too much...
some shots i didnt even get scores...
although its on the target card..
only the shot i shot during the 10mins preparation time was the one that i am pleased with...
which hit the bullseye...
only that bloody shot man...

after finishing all my competition shots...
seated down and waited for the results...
my score was very good for a beginner! lol...
never expect such a result...
got 165/300 points...
i passed!
lol... and top the jc1 male shooters...
not to boost... but to keep my morale high...

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