Sunday, April 08, 2007

Old Songs = Pouring Memories...

today.. so happen to be "out of" new hits...
so i turned to the 'my top rated' list to play those songs...
again and again when i listen to these songs...
memories came pouring back into my mind...

the days when i was in primary school...
the days when i was fallen into the "puppet love" thingy...
the days when i was with my good buddies playing basketball...
the days after PSLE...
the days when i parted with my primary school mates...
the days when i enter a new secondary school by my own...
the days when i played instead of studying
the days when i knew that i am going to normal academic...
the days when i met dear dear...
the days when i fall in love...
the days when i got problems with relationship between my love and friends...
the days when i played maple story...
the days when i achieve the 'top student' name...
the days when lifetime friendships in formed...
the days when i know its the end of secondary school life...
the days when i know its the start of the intensive 2-year education...
the days when i looked back...

there are much more stuff that listening to old songs will dig my memory bank...
like the movies i watched...
the television shows i watched...
the game i played ...
the fun my friends and i had ...

alot alot more...
just cant type it all down...

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